What is “Reettorit ry”?
Reettorit ry is a 42-year-old subject association for communication students at Tampere University. The primary purpose of the association is to advocate for students’ interests. Reettorit ry also organizes various events and leisure activities for its members and helps students network in the field of communication.
Reettorit ry operates within the Tampere Student Union (TREY).
The Board
The board coordinates and facilitates the associations’ activities. See the list of board members here (in Finnish).
Contact Information
Contact the entire board: reettorit-hallitus [at] lists.tuni.fi
You can reach individual members at the following addresses:
Chairperson: puheenjohtaja [at] reettorit.com
Communication Responsibles: viestinta [at] reettorit.com
Treasurer: rahastonhoitaja [at] reettorit.com
Events Coordinators: tapahtumat [at] reettorit.com
Public Relations Officers: sidosryhmat [at] reettorit.com
Corporate Relations Officers: yrityssuhteet [at] reettorit.com
Rehti’s Editors-in-Chief: rehti [at] reettorit.com
Anniversary Gala Coordinators: vuosijuhlat [at] reettorit.com
Become a Member
Full membership
Full membership for the duration of studies €25 or annual membership €5
Anyone pursuing a degree, postgraduate, or exchange studies at Tampere University can become a full member by paying the membership fee and accepting the organization’s purpose.
As a full member of Reettorit ry, you:
– Can participate in events organized by Reettorit, e.g., sitsit, company visits, and cultural events. See upcoming events from the event calendar.
– Get access rights to the association room in Pinni B2050
– Benefit from Reettorit’s diligent advocacy work on behalf of its members
– Can influence Reettorit ry’s matters by voting in general meetings
– Can attend board meetings and participate in discussions
– Can become a board member
– Receive free student membership of ProCom which is the labor union of communication professional
Sign up for the membership through this form!
Harassment & Discrimination
Reettorit ry does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment at our events. You can familiarize yourself with the general guidelines for events here (in Finnish).
If any harassment or discrimination occurs, you can report it via email at hairinta@reettorit.com. If you want to be contacted regarding the incident or need assistance in resolving the matter, please provide your contact information. Without contact information, we will not be able to take any action. Contact information and messages will be seen only by Reettorit’s Social and Equality Officer and the Educational Policy Officer.
You can also contact TREY in cases of harassment or discrimination. Read about the support they offer here.
Follow Reettorit
Instagram: @reettorit_ry
Telegram info channel: https://t.me/reettorit
E-mail list for members: http://lists.tuni.fi/mailman/listinfo/Reettorit/
International Mobility Services at Tampere University
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E-mail: mobility.tau@tuni.fi